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Current Scholarships

ScholarshipEligibilityDeadlineGeneral Info.
ASCPAUndergraduate and graduate accounting students
February 7, 2025
The Arizona CPA Foundation for Education and Innovation, in coordination with the Arizona Society of CPAs, is offering scholarships to students who will be majoring in accounting. The Foundation offers a variety of scholarships to assist future CPAs in reaching their educational goals, thanks to the generous donations made by ASCPA members. Following is a link to the application:  Private University Application Form 2025-26.pdf.  Responses should be sent to me at [email protected] 
National Society of AccountantsSophomores and juniorsApril 25, 2025The National Society of Accountants is awarding $500-2,000 in scholarships to accounting majors.
Institute of Management AccountantsStudents who are interested in pursuing either their Certified Management Accountant (CMA) designation or their Financial and Managerial Accounting Associate (FMAA) designation.June 30, 2025Scholarship includes two years of IMA Student membership; entrance fee to the CMA exam OR entrance/exam fee to the FMAA exam; exam fees for Part 1 and Part 2 of the CMA exam; and access to Gleim Online Study materials for 12 months. 
FEI Arizona/ Academic Excellence Awards
Undergraduate and graduate students
TBD- Late November 2025The Accounting Advisory Board (AAB) scholarship awards are paid directly to the winning students accounts at GCU to offset tuition for at least one course to be completed after the award grant.  Two scholarships in the amount of $3,000 will be awarded each academic year.
Accounting Advisory Board ScholarshipCurrent students enrolled in either BS of Accounting in Public Accounting or Master of Accountancy, BAR or TCP disciplines.November 30, 2025Scholarship opens Nov. 1st of each year. It is required you attend the FEI Award Ceremony and is part of the consideration process. Applications should be sent to GCU representative Michael Potter at [email protected].